NTEU Chapter 228 is located in U.S. Department of Energy, Located primarily in Washington D.C. and Germantown, MD, the operational offices of the Department of Energy headquarters, houses several program and staff offices, all working to meet the Department's mission of "ensuring America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions." Of the 15 locally recognized units within the Department, headquarters operations locally negotiates with the National Treasury Employees Union (a single bargaining unit) internally divided into two local chapters representing both professional and non-professional general schedule employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. DOENTEUChapter228
NTEU is the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees, representing 150,000 workers in 31 departments and agencies.
NTEU is the voice of the federal workforce on Capitol Hill, in the courts, at the bargaining table and in the media. We fight for fair pay and benefits, improved working conditions and other issues that affect the working lives of federal employees.
We were created in 1938 to make sure federal employees are treated with respect and dignity. That remains our mission to this day and will continue to guide our work in the 21st Century and beyond.
Our union is comprised of a diverse group of individuals who share in common a commitment to public service. We proudly represent law enforcement officers, scientists, attorneys and cyber-security experts. Our members are revenue officers, food inspectors, bank examiners, park rangers and the list goes on. Each of these federal workers plays an important role in keeping the country running and prospering.
NTEU is where you are. Our chapters are in 31 agencies across the country. Our headquarters are in Washington, D.C., and we have field offices in Washington; Atlanta; Austin, Texas; Chicago; Denver; Hoboken, N.J.; and Oakland, Calif. Highly-trained stewards and chapter leaders are in NTEU-represented workplaces nationwide to help employees solve issues—big and small.
Join NTEU today by filling out this membership form (SF 1187) and giving it any chapter official.
Join NTEU today (it's easy!), and your participating will make your voice heard!
Contact NTEU Chapter 228
19901 Germantown Road
Germantown Maryland